Thinking Out Loud #52 – Tea, Wine and a new BFF

Oh wow it’s already Thursday and slowly, very slowly I start to feel better. At least I feel good enough to voice a few of my thoughts out loud. Thanks to lovely Amanda for hosting our ramblings on this very Thursday πŸ™‚


Look who’s my new BFF

I am really glad that Stefan is back to normal but it stinks that he’s back at work and I have to spend my days alone here. The German TV program is a bad joke and I am a bit too tired to read all the time. Luckily my belated Christmas gift arrived on Monday and quickly became my new BFF. He’s lovely, a smashing 60 cm of height and keeps me company during the day. And the best he doesn’t talk when I want to read or sleep πŸ˜‰

Meet Olaf ❀


Yeah I am almost 30 going on 3.


I HAVE to update my About Page. Urgently! Quickly! It’s ancient and I don’t like it. And I have zero ideas what to write. Surprisingly I find it quite difficult to write something about me.Β  Shouldn’t this be easy for someone who is talking so much about herself?

Coffee vs. Tea


I finally started cleaning and reorganizing the kitchen. In this course I also rearranged my tea drawer. For a firm and steady lover of the black heavenly liquid and a member of the Coffee > Tea fraction I have a surprisingly broad range of tea.

The Real Deal vs. Accaptable Fakes


You might know that I love me a glass (or so) of wine in the evening. For me it’s the ideal way to end the day. We sit on the couch a glass in the hand, relax and talk about our respective days. It’s a nice rite and works better with a glass of wine in our hands. For some time we did this every evening. But out of various reasons I really don’t want to drink alcohol every day. Stefan’s theory is that we drink so much water during the day that we both ultimately want something flavoured in the evening. Juice, tea and other flavoured drinks don’t work as a substitute. So recently I started to try some alcohol free wine brands. So far I haven’t found something great but at least good enough. Have you any experience with alcohol free wine?

Removing toxic friends

I really appreciated Arman’s post about how removing toxic friends helps you to stay healthy. Lately I did the same though a little differently. I haven’t talked about it so far as I was afraid I wasn’t up for it in the long run but I think I am safe on the bright side of life now. It might not look like much but I stopped weighing myself about 10 weeks ago. I stepped on the scale once or twice in these 10 weeks just to see the exact same weight as before. Abandoning this “old friend” makes me happy and free. Definitely a healthier place to be πŸ™‚ And I ate Krapfen like a boss πŸ˜€

Now I am going back to drinking my tea and reading a bit.

Have a nice Thursday!


11 thoughts on “Thinking Out Loud #52 – Tea, Wine and a new BFF

  1. Olaf! I’m a closet cuddle toy AND Frozen fan. Well, I guess I’m out now πŸ˜‰ I could use some non-alcoholic wine myself – I love the taste but definitely don’t need the headache!

  2. Did you have to remind me I -still- haven’t watched Frozen? I know, I know. My explanation is that a) nobody wanted to tag along when it was still in movie theatres and b) I’m not a member of a video rental store.
    I’m rooting for you giving up the scale for good.While I haven’t stopped nit-picking my appearance here and there me and that false friend parted ways when I moved out from my parents’ years ago – and I don’t miss it.

  3. Olaf is so cute!!! I’ve never tried alcohol free wine but I’ll keep my eye out for it now! Sounds like a great way to enjoy a glass without the effect of alcohol on your body.

    Kudos to you for ditching the scale, who needs em anyway?

  4. WHERE THE F DID YOU GET THAT OLAF?! I actually didn’t really care for Frozen, but I have this sick and weird obsession with Olaf. You should see my apartment. Holy wow.

    But seriously….where did you get it?! I really need a roommate as I am so lonely!

  5. I could use an Olaf in my life — you’re never too old for teddies, in my opinion. And congrats with breaking up with the scale! I broke up with mine a few year ago and it’s seriously one of the best things I ever did. It’s nice to be able to dictate my own mood rather than have it be decided by a number that I see in the morning.

  6. Olaf is so cute. I get it lol I’m 34 and have a Spongebob tennis racquet …I don’t use it when I’m actually out playing in front of people, but when I’m just practicing my forehand and backhand I rock my sbob game! Congrats on breaking away from the scale. I haven’t weighed myself in months and sometimes I want to, but I remind myself that I work hard and take care of myself and there’s no need to!

  7. So proud of you for giving up the scale- Its so easy to judge others and say ‘just go cold turkey’ bur when it’s been something thats kind of been like routine- It’s really hard!

    Hopefully your feeling much better today- I must admit, I haven’t seen Frozen and I don’t intend to- That silly song was overplayed!

  8. Actually a cup of tea sounds perfect just about now. Maybe because I’m freezing and I sure would like to warm up. Also, I’m thrilled you’re finally starting to feel better and have been able to ditch the scale. That thing is no bueno. Good for you.

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