What I ate Wednesday #10 – Give me some Butternut Squash

Hello everyone,

it’s HUMP DAY!!!! And Hump Day means home office day!!!! As I am writing this I am sitting on my sofa with a cup of coffee and I am still wearing my pajamas. AMAZING 🙂 I have some admin stuff do do today but I won’t work too much. I had a busy last two days and the next two will be maniac. I have 10 interviews scheduled for the next two days. That’s crazy! I don’t know what I thought when arranging the appointments. At least they will pass quickly but I am not looking forward to the headache that will hit me anyway. But for today the sun is shining and I have an amazing day lying in front of me.

Anbother great thing about Hump Day? It’s WIAW!!! My favorite blogging day of the week. I love all your food posts! Thanks Jenn as always for hosting this!

Peas and Crayons

As yesterday was so busy I was surprised that I only forgot to picture one snack. Great job 😉

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